
Teeth Whitening: Does It Work, And Is It Safe?

In the realm of dentistry, teeth whitening is a contentious issue. Nevertheless, it is a standard treatment provided by various experts, particularly cosmetic dentists, although others believe it might pose a health risk if done excessively or poorly.

Sadly, numerous non-professionals who are not trained to do treatments also promote it. On the online platform, there is also a lot of disinformation about the issue, making it even more challenging to analyze the situation for someone who wants their teeth whitened. The truth, as is customary, is somewhere in between.

The Description Of How Whitening Works

The color of your teeth changes as you get older. After a lifetime of brushing, the dentin (the tooth’s inside) takes on a yellowish tint, and the enamel (the protective outer covering) thins. In addition, having coffee and red wine and smoking, and consuming certain drugs like tetracycline can all contribute to tooth discoloration.

Whitening can be accomplished in one of two methods. It either eliminates enamel discoloration or alters the color of the dentin. Abrasives are used in whitening toothpaste to scour away surface stains. However, the visual impact is negligible since toothpaste only acts on surface stains (rather than the inner dentin, where most discoloration develops). On the 16-point tooth coloring scale, it’s generally little more than one lighter shade and seems to last as you can keep it up.

If you choose this route, keep in mind you use an authorized toothpaste to avoid damaging your teeth’ enamel. In addition, bleaching is required to modify the color of the dentin. This has a more noticeable result, whitening teeth three to eight tones. The color also lasts for two to three years.

Dentists typically use high percentages of hydrogen peroxide, usually 25 and 40%, for commercial bleaching. Because this substance has the potential to damage your gums, the dentist will use a silicone dam to safeguard them during treatment. Trays, gels, and sticky strips are examples of at-home treatments. These procedures are safer since they employ lesser doses of the same chemicals, generally 5 to 15% hydrogen peroxide. When utilized as instructed, both strategies have shown to be effective.

Kits For Doing It Yourself

A short web search for teeth whitening will turn up a plethora of DIY kits that can be bought and used by yourself. Some even have excellent reviews, but the fact is that many of these items are potentially harmful and have not been well evaluated. In certain circumstances, even when a product performs as it should, it might be dangerous in the hands of an unskilled user who does not correctly follow the directions. Unfortunately, for even the most portion, this is where all of the negative press about the technique comes from — many individuals who have experienced the repercussions of a substandard DIY teeth whitening kit have resorted to the Internet to vent their frustrations.

Treatment by professionals

There’s also the option of having your teeth whitened by a dental professional trained to do so. But, again, avoid going to a beauty shop or working with someone who isn’t certified. Dentists are familiar with the procedure and can safely lead you through it from beginning to end, including giving you ample information and ensuring that you are dentally fit before moving to treatments. Except for DIY kits, this method is risk-free as long as you visit a licensed dentist. Also, strictly follow their advice — no one can protect you from yourself if you ignore your post-treatment aftercare.

How Much Is Too Much?

There’s also the matter of frequency to consider. If you whiten your teeth too much, it might start to wear them down, and you risk damaging their purity. On the other hand, any reputable dentist will caution you about this and will never permit you to be treated numerous times in a row if the recurrence of the treatments is getting too dangerous. If you’re getting your teeth whitened for a formal occasion, it’s a good time to talk to your dentist about it ahead of time — it’s not fun to find out that the operation is too hazardous after you’ve already made plans.

Teeth whitening is a terrific method to improve your smile and acquire more assurance in your daily life, as long as you get it treated by a dental expert who understands what they’re doing and has a solid track record. Just keep in mind that your dental hygienist knows a lot more than you do, and there’s a justification you’re paying for their services and support – so don’t dismiss anything they say regarding your procedure. After all, you believe you know much more than them because you skimmed a few blog posts.

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